Tuesday, December 18, 2007

The Blue Print for Learning......

Presence is virtue
Future is life!!!

Dreams are reality
Thoughts are strength!!!

Being is existence
Absence is death!!!

Master your destiny
Be the winner of your self…

Law of Attraction!!!

The idea that thoughts introduced in reality can attract like energy dates back to the ancient times.
Buddha had said “What you have become is the result of what you have thought”
When ever we think something, the thoughts start attracting what we perceive. And believe it or not, it happens…..
Just move back your memory lane and you will feel that many times what you had thought has always happened…..
When you don’t want something to happen, it will always happen…..
This is the Law of attraction!!!
When you think something positively for sometime, it happens…..
This is the law of attraction!!!
So what ever you think, what ever you dream just make sure that you are positive so you attract positive energy……
It is believed that the Law of Attraction has its roots in Quantum Physics. The thoughts are said of have energy that attracts “like” energy.

In order to control this energy start practising the following:

1. Know what u want and then ask universe for it. “Universe” here is taken in a very broad spectrum, it can be God, or it can even be a source of Energy.
2. Feel and behave as if what you desired is on your way
3. Get ready to accept it

Just start practising it and you will be able to control your life through your thoughts. You will be the master of your own destiny………
This is one of the biggest Secrets that have been known to many exceptional men and women like Newton, Einstein, Plato, Shakespeare and many others…..
So share this secret with yourself and your loved ones and transform your life….


Dreams are rare, but beautiful
They are the mirror of life
They express our inner beauty
And the steps which help us thrive

Dreams can be pleasing
And can sometimes even take you for a ride
Still they shape up the reality
Whether in happiness or in plight

Dreams need a saviour and a preserver,
They need a soul which feels.
So u be there, because its only you
Who knows to value your dreams…